SS&C Intralinks Market Brief

Private Investment in Latin America:

An emerging market's response to global headwinds

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Recent political transitions, rising internet adoption and a growing pool of tech talent are causing a surge of private market activity in Latin America (LATAM).

Download our new Private Investment in LATAM: An Emerging Market's Response To Global Headwinds market brief, produced using PitchBook data, to learn how these factors are impacting private market activity in the region. Learn about:

  • Why Latin American companies continue to hold the attention of global investors
  • Which LATAM sectors have received the most venture capital (VC) dollars in 2022
  • Will venture dealmaking match the unprecedented levels generated in 2021?
  • Why private equity (PE) activity exceeded expectations and will the trend continue
  • Why mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deal value remains low compared with pre-pandemic levels

Download the new market brief and learn about the opportunities in LATAM.